Creating Miracles (Friday, March 3)

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one, the being a force of nature.” – George Bernard Shaw

Our capacity for creation isn’t limited to what we can predict, control, and through hard work alone. We have the capacity to create miracles. In fact, they’re attempting to happen all the time... if it weren’t for us getting in their way.

Join me for an advanced day-long, in-person workshop on Creating Miracles. This experience, both spiritual and practical, will explore a ‘formula for creating miracles’ where your solid ground, your authentic desire, your inner knowing, and your engagement with the world all come together.

Here are some of the topics we'll be playing with:

  • When you see reality differently, reality changes
  • Seeing the capacity for miracles all around you, independent of circumstances
  • Learning to trust and your inner guidance, while demoting your inner critic
  • Embracing the unknown and unexpected, where new opportunities arise
  • How your desires can either fuel or frustrate the creation of miracles
  • Avoiding common traps including both 'being realistic' and magical thinking
  • Getting real, getting embodied, and getting messy while staying in action

When: Friday, March 3, 10am - 5pm

Where: Oakland CA (location TBD)

More Info and Registration:

My simple intention for this day together is to change the course of your entire life.

Michael McDonald
Transformational Coach: Leadership, Self-Mastery, Intimacy and Enlightenment

Not interested in Bay Area workshops

Michael McDonald, Transformational Coach

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Read more from Michael McDonald, Transformational Coach

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